Message from CEO and Chair
2020-21 has been a year of change.
Across YFS, we backed more than 7,000 people to create positive change in their lives, from moving into a stable home to improving their resilience.
In addition to pursuing improved outcomes for the people we work with, our Board and management team continued to drive change for our organisation, adapting to the emerging challenges of the coronavirus pandemic, and to growth and change in our region.
We launched several new initiatives that will guide us over the coming years.
This year, we developed a whole-of-YFS Theory of Change. This important document articulates how we act as changemakers, supporting people to achieve independence and participation.
We continued to improve the ways we measure our impact. Our impact summary shows that we achieved strong outcomes, supporting people to change their circumstances and improve their ability to thrive independently.
Following on from our Theory of Change, we developed a new Strategic Framework for 2021-24, outlining how we will achieve our bold vision of service improvement, advocacy and influence, and service expansion. We committed to developing the culture, partnerships, infrastructure and investment to make ongoing positive change possible.
We were also proud to launch our YFS Cultural Framework, developed with our First Nations staff and supported by Elders and community leaders. It brings together clear direction for us to back First Nations peoples to achieve their aspirations and thrive. The framework considers YFS’ role as a service provider, a community member and an employer.
Our ongoing innovation in integrated service delivery was captured in the evaluation of our Board-funded Thriving Families demonstration project. This project helped us better understand what it takes for homeless families to thrive, and what is needed for successful integration.
Throughout the year we were inspired by the people we worked with, and the hard work they put into pursuing their goals. This report presents a small sample of their stories from the past year. It also summarises our achievements, challenges, innovations and outcomes in the fast-moving environment of the past financial year.
Many people contributed to YFS’ work in 2020-21, including our Board, managers, staff and volunteers, our government, non-government and philanthropic partners and the many organisations and individuals who are committed to positive change.
We look forward to continuing to change together in 2021-22. We are particularly excited about leading collaborative responses to homelessness in Logan, expanding our focus on integrated services and driving innovation at Substation33.
Cath Bartolo (CEO)
Peter Goldsworthy (Chair)
People feel safe and well, and hopeful
Our work is grounded in a shared understanding of people’s experiences, needs, challenges and strengths. We help people change their lives by working alongside them to assist them to identify and achieve their goals, giving them hope for the future and confidence to succeed.
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People have a home, financial resilience, education and employment
Everyone needs a safe and stable place to call home, the ability to manage their money to meet their daily needs, and access to education and employment. At YFS we do what it takes to address people’s immediate needs and stabilise their situation so they can move from crisis to thriving.
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People are equipped with knowledge, skills and connections
Long term change takes knowledge, resources and the ability to deal with adversity. At YFS we work alongside people to identify and achieve their goals, and coach them to cope with stress, solve problems, and build resilience. A vital way of building resilience is by connecting people with family, friends, community, and culture.
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People feel safe and well, and hopeful
Our work is grounded in a shared understanding of people’s experiences, needs, challenges and strengths. We help people change their lives by working alongside them to assist them to identify and achieve their goals, giving them hope for the future and confidence to succeed.
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People are equipped with knowledge, skills and connections
Long term change takes knowledge, resources and the ability to deal with adversity. At YFS we work alongside people to identify and achieve their goals, and coach them to cope with stress, solve problems, and build resilience. A vital way of building resilience is by connecting people with family, friends, community, and culture.
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People have a home, financial resilience, education and employment
Everyone needs a safe and stable place to call home, the ability to manage their money to meet their daily needs, and access to education and employment. At YFS we do what it takes to address people’s immediate needs and stabilise their situation so they can move from crisis to thriving.
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