Financial summary

YFS ended 2020-21 in a strong financial position. Our grant revenue increased by 10% through additional services and short-term increases in funding to cover COVID-19 responses.

New government funding included full year funding for the Next Step Plus youth support service, new Federal Government funding for the Spark women’s employment mentoring program, and a contract to coordinate a collaborative response to young people involved in the youth justice system. Short-term COVID-19 funding increases included additional funds to respond to domestic and family violence demands and to provide financial counselling and emergency relief services. AGL contracted YFS to deliver community education about home energy.

Substation33 expanded an income stream from refurbishing computers for students, however there was a reduction in previous sources of revenue for Work for the Dole programs and flooded road warning signs.

The Board’s investment in the Thriving Families demonstration project meant that YFS finished the financial year with a very small operating loss, limited due to sound financial management. Our Asset to Liability Ratio remained healthy at 4.7%. We maintained strong reserves to fund future innovation projects and capacity development for the organisation.

Capital investment in information and communication technology equipped YFS to deliver flexible, responsive services and maximise cyber-security.

Looking forward to 2021-22 we anticipate fairly stable revenue and continuing financial resilience for our organisation. Our Board will consider investment options to increase resources available for service development and expansion while maintaining adequate reserves.

Funding partners 2020-21

  • AGL
  • Alcohol and Drug Foundation Queensland
  • ATSICHS – Community Youth Justice
  • Australian Government Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet’s Office for Women
  • Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment
  • Australian Government Department of Social Services
  • Centre for Women & Co.
  • Harris Fields State School
  • Logan City Council
  • Mater Misericordia Ltd
  • Queensland Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs
  • Queensland Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy
  • Queensland Department of Employment, Small Business and Training
  • Queensland Department of Justice and Attorney-General (including the Commonwealth Community Legal Centres Program)
  • Queensland Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning
  • Religious of Queensland Social Justice Grant – Presentation Sisters
  • Sisters of Mercy – Brisbane Congregation
  • Springwood Road State School
  • Tamborine Mountain State High School
  • Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation
  • Woodridge North State School

Supporters and donors 2020-21

  • CDRL Charity Raffles
  • Central Queensland University
  • Civic Solutions
  • Extraction Artisan Coffee
  • Griffith University
  • InfoXchange
  • Logan Chamber of Commerce
  • Logan Soroptimists
  • Minter Ellison
  • PowerWells
  • Presentation Sisters
  • Rainbow Hub
  • Rotary Club of Beaudesert
  • Tursa Employment & Training
  • Vitae
  • Individual supporters for our Spark, Thriving Families, Substation33 and R4Respect appeals.

“Our Theory of Change recognises that we need to work together within YFS and also in partnership beyond our organisation to achieve lasting change.”